How to Create Auto Run / Auto Play CD/DVD

How to Create Auto Run / Auto Play CD/DVD :

The application CD’s or games cd’s that you purchase and insert into your cd/dvd drive they will run/play automatically, and your burned CD’s can not do the same….. why?

You can bring into run a setup program, or there is an HTML page that links to the CD contents. You can simply open the Notepad to create a three line text file based on the lines below, and name it Autorun.inf.  

I will explain to you how to easily create Autorun CD

First you can create your own autorun.inf file
Open Notpad then type the following three lines are an example of a simple Autorun.inf file.


Once the above three lines have been typed in, save file as Autorun.inf

Set on all files in the CD's root directory
If you would like to change the default windows cd icon to your own icon place the icon in to CD's root directory. 

 Default windows icon

Your own icon

Do not use any spaces between the file names that you're linking to, all the time replace the spaces with underscores “ _

Example:    my_setup.exe

  • You can run pdf, doc, html files to run/play automatically using the 'shellexecute' command
For an example
i) Run HTML file automatically


Replace index.html to your own html file name  ex: yourindex.html
and change myicon.ico to your icon file name ex: youriconname.ico

ii) Run PDF file automatically


Replace mybook.pdf to your pdf file name ex: yourbookname.pdf
and change myicon.ico to your icon file name ex: youriconname.ico

iii) Run DOC file automatically


Replace mydocument.doc to your doc file name ex: yourdocument.doc
and change myicon.ico to your icon file name ex: youriconname.ico

Do not use any spaces between the file names, always replace the spaces with underscores “ _  “

And you can create any file like mp3, jpeg, mpeg, wmv and other files run automaticaly follow the same steps given above. Don’t forget the file name and extension must match exactly for shellexecute to work properly.

That's all.

CAUTION! : These tips and tricks are advanced, we can not guarantee that you will be able to solve your problem that result from using tips and tricks incorrectly and is used at your own risk.
Category: Tips & Tricks
Operating System : Windows


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