How to Block Any or Specific Website in all web browsers :

NOTE: You can watch this entire video to "How to Block Any / Specific Website in all web browsers"
Here's how to block or unblock unwanted websites. :
Simple Website Blocker is the Free tool to easily Block or Unblock any Website on your Windows system.

It is ideal tool for administrators to selectively block access to certain websites like Facebook, Twitter etc. Also parents can use it to prevent their kids from visiting social or gaming websites.

When you launch this tool, it displays list of currently Blocked websites. You can then select any of the Blocked website and Unblock it instantly with just a click.Once you block or Unblock a website, it is effective immediately. There is no need to log-off or restart the system.

Simple Website Blocker is fully portable and does not require JAVA, .NET or any other components. It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to new Windows 10 version.

Features :
Free Tool to easily Block or Unblock any Website
Block Websites across all Web Browsers
Does not Install any Browser Extensions or Add-ons
So No Privacy concerns unlike other similar solutions
No need to keep this tool Running, just block the website & close it
No need to Log-off or Restart the system
Displays list of all the Blocked Websites
Test the Blocked Website for quick verification
Useful for Administrators and Parents
Very Easy to use tool for all type of users
Fully Portable, does not require Java or .NET
Includes Installer for local installation & uninstallation.
Click the followings links below to Download "Simple Website Blocker"

Download Now

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Search Terms : How, How to, How do, How to Block a Website in All Web Browsers,
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How to Block Any Website On Your Computer,
How to Block Specific Websites,

Category: Software
Block Unwanted Websites


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