Vidpush grabs videos from YouTube and uploads them to your fan pages :
Build a powerful Facebook page 100% automatically. Just connect VidPush to your Facebook page and select the niche or keywords you want. VidPush will find the best and the latest videos from YouTube for your niche and post them to your Facebook page 100% automatically. It uploads the videos to Facebook using Facebook APIs, so the video goes viral faster and attracts more viewers.
So what exactly is VidPush? Well honestly when I first heard about it over a week ago, it was described as a system which takes your YouTube videos and posts them to Facebook as native Facebook videos. While this is kind of cool because native Facebook video are larger, more prominent, and tend to get more traffic than links to a YouTube video it really was not exciting enough to make me want to really look into it.
Then a few days ago I was speaking to the product vendor and I realized that this is actually much more than what I thought it was. Its actually a tool that lets you find relevant videos to your niche and post them automatically to your fan page. Let me explain how it works.
First thing to take note of is that this is a desktop software that runs on your computer. This is actually a good thing and a bad thing at the same time (Ill explain that more in a bit). It also uses the proper Facebook API so what your going to need to do before you get started using this set up a Facebook app.
Though there are instructions built into the software I did not read them. I had set up several Facebook apps and I figured I would be fine. However when I was starting to test this I could not get it to work. No matter what my Facebook app kept giving me an error in the VidPush software. After about an hour of wasting my time, I finally decided to read the instructions, and wouldn’t you know it my app was up and running in a few minutes.
After setting up my app on Facebook I then had to authorize it to my account in the VidPush software. This is as easy as simply pressing the authenticate button, logging into your Facebook account and then approving the app.
However every time I would log into my Facebook account I kept getting an error that said I was not logged in. I would then be shown the Facebook log in dialog box again. This would repeat endlessly in a loop and I could not get my app to authenticate. I finally over came this issue by clicking the ‘remember’ check box when I logged in. Once I did that I no longer had any issues at all and was able to authenticate my app in the VidPush software.
I don’t know if the trouble I had with this step was a issue with Facebook or with VidPush itself. However I did feel like I needed to mention it, and how I got around it both for completeness and also in case anyone else has this same issue.
So what exactly is VidPush? Well honestly when I first heard about it over a week ago, it was described as a system which takes your YouTube videos and posts them to Facebook as native Facebook videos. While this is kind of cool because native Facebook video are larger, more prominent, and tend to get more traffic than links to a YouTube video it really was not exciting enough to make me want to really look into it.
Then a few days ago I was speaking to the product vendor and I realized that this is actually much more than what I thought it was. Its actually a tool that lets you find relevant videos to your niche and post them automatically to your fan page. Let me explain how it works.
First thing to take note of is that this is a desktop software that runs on your computer. This is actually a good thing and a bad thing at the same time (Ill explain that more in a bit). It also uses the proper Facebook API so what your going to need to do before you get started using this set up a Facebook app.
Though there are instructions built into the software I did not read them. I had set up several Facebook apps and I figured I would be fine. However when I was starting to test this I could not get it to work. No matter what my Facebook app kept giving me an error in the VidPush software. After about an hour of wasting my time, I finally decided to read the instructions, and wouldn’t you know it my app was up and running in a few minutes.
After setting up my app on Facebook I then had to authorize it to my account in the VidPush software. This is as easy as simply pressing the authenticate button, logging into your Facebook account and then approving the app.
However every time I would log into my Facebook account I kept getting an error that said I was not logged in. I would then be shown the Facebook log in dialog box again. This would repeat endlessly in a loop and I could not get my app to authenticate. I finally over came this issue by clicking the ‘remember’ check box when I logged in. Once I did that I no longer had any issues at all and was able to authenticate my app in the VidPush software.
I don’t know if the trouble I had with this step was a issue with Facebook or with VidPush itself. However I did feel like I needed to mention it, and how I got around it both for completeness and also in case anyone else has this same issue.
➽ Once your app us set up on VidPush your next step is to select the fan page you want to use with this. The front end / basic version of this software allows you to link up to 5 fan pages. The upgraded version allows unlimited fan pages. For my testing I selected my “Brett Rutecky” fan page.
Your next step is to head over to the setting page and enter your VidPush settings specific to the fan page you select. I say specific to the fan page because each fan page you link to the system can have different settings.
The main settings to be concerned with here are the keywords that the software should search videos for, if it should automatically post videos it finds to your fan page and if so how often should it do it. You can also enter some text that you want added to each post (such as a link to your blog or website). For my testing I had it search for videos related to internet marketing and add them to the posting que, and I have it set to post from the queue to my fan page once a day (I don’t want to get to crazy and post to often). I also entered some call to action text and a link back to my blog that will be automatically appended to my video posting.
If I wanted to be done here, that could be it. The system will now find videos related to my keywords and post them to my fan page at the interval I set with my text and link. Its important to note here that this does not just post links to the YouTube video. That would not be so good. It actually downloads the video, and then uploads it to my fan page. What this means that instead of just posting a link to YouTube, Im actually posting content to my page as a part of my page, and I can have my own link as well if I like. Something to keep in mind though is that this is a desktop app which runs on your computer. What this means of course is that if you want to auto post your going to have to keep your computer on, and have VidPush running (likely minimized in your Windows tray).
Initially I thought that this would be better as a SaaS instead of a desktop app. That way people would not have to keep their computer running. I spoke to the vendor about this and his reasoning made prefect sense. If it was a SaaS there would inevitably be someone who abuses the system, posting bad videos or links to Facebook and likely get the SaaS domain blocked. This happened to me on some of my own Facebook software actually. The sad truth is that there is always a ‘bad apple’ who ruins it. By making it a desktop app this problem wont happen since everyone will be individually be responsible for their own postings and wont be effected by others. So while it being desktop might seem like a let down, its actually done to protect the users and is a good thing.
If I don’t want to wait for the system to do its auto post, or if I don’t want it to auto-post at all I can use VidPush to manually search for videos.
In the video above I changed my settings keywords and am searching for ‘funny animals’. These kinds of results would be good for someone doing any kind of e-com related to animals, such as pet supplies etc. You could use the videos to build a following and then post the occasional promotional link. The search is very fast and returned 12 pages of relevant videos in just a couple of seconds. One thing I do think could have been improved on is the fact that the search always uses the keywords that are in the settings. I think it would have been nice to have a search box to type in additional or new keywords to overwrite the default settings.
After doing your search you can click the video to view it on YouTube. You can click “add to queue” to add it to the automatic posting queue, you can post it immediately or you can click delete and you remove it from the search results.
So what do I think about VidPush over all? Well first of all I want to get one thing out of the way that I know a lot of people are going to ask. Is this legal? The answer is I have no idea. I obviously have a hard enough time with local ordnance. Interpretation of international intellectual property law is for sure out of my area of expertise. What I will say is that if you are uncomfortable with what VidPush does then pass on it.
I also want to point out that this desktop software runs on Windows only, and if you have a iOS computer you will need a Windows emulator to use it. Also this only posts to fan pages, it does not post to Facebook groups.
If you are comfortable then this will offer some big benefits. Keep in mind the 80/20 rule. 80% of your posts should be content, 20% should be promotional. What this means is you need a lot of content to post and finding this content or making it yourself can a big job. VidPush can make it a lot easier to find relevant content for your pages as well even automate it if you like. In short this will not only get you content but it will make the searching and posting a lot more easy. As I have said a good software is a tool that makes your life more easy and for anyone using (or wanting to use) fan pages on Facebook this will for sure do just that.
* Unlimited free traffic to any Facebook fanpage, or location.
* Just set it up once and forget. 100% automated software gives you fresh content for your fanpage forever.
* Direct traffic from Facebook to any website or webpage and make more sales.
* Uploads native videos to Facebook, gets you more viewers, likes and shares.
* Connect multiple fanpages / Youtube channels / keywords without spending hours doing all the work manually.
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Your next step is to head over to the setting page and enter your VidPush settings specific to the fan page you select. I say specific to the fan page because each fan page you link to the system can have different settings.
The main settings to be concerned with here are the keywords that the software should search videos for, if it should automatically post videos it finds to your fan page and if so how often should it do it. You can also enter some text that you want added to each post (such as a link to your blog or website). For my testing I had it search for videos related to internet marketing and add them to the posting que, and I have it set to post from the queue to my fan page once a day (I don’t want to get to crazy and post to often). I also entered some call to action text and a link back to my blog that will be automatically appended to my video posting.
If I wanted to be done here, that could be it. The system will now find videos related to my keywords and post them to my fan page at the interval I set with my text and link. Its important to note here that this does not just post links to the YouTube video. That would not be so good. It actually downloads the video, and then uploads it to my fan page. What this means that instead of just posting a link to YouTube, Im actually posting content to my page as a part of my page, and I can have my own link as well if I like. Something to keep in mind though is that this is a desktop app which runs on your computer. What this means of course is that if you want to auto post your going to have to keep your computer on, and have VidPush running (likely minimized in your Windows tray).
Initially I thought that this would be better as a SaaS instead of a desktop app. That way people would not have to keep their computer running. I spoke to the vendor about this and his reasoning made prefect sense. If it was a SaaS there would inevitably be someone who abuses the system, posting bad videos or links to Facebook and likely get the SaaS domain blocked. This happened to me on some of my own Facebook software actually. The sad truth is that there is always a ‘bad apple’ who ruins it. By making it a desktop app this problem wont happen since everyone will be individually be responsible for their own postings and wont be effected by others. So while it being desktop might seem like a let down, its actually done to protect the users and is a good thing.
If I don’t want to wait for the system to do its auto post, or if I don’t want it to auto-post at all I can use VidPush to manually search for videos.
In the video above I changed my settings keywords and am searching for ‘funny animals’. These kinds of results would be good for someone doing any kind of e-com related to animals, such as pet supplies etc. You could use the videos to build a following and then post the occasional promotional link. The search is very fast and returned 12 pages of relevant videos in just a couple of seconds. One thing I do think could have been improved on is the fact that the search always uses the keywords that are in the settings. I think it would have been nice to have a search box to type in additional or new keywords to overwrite the default settings.
After doing your search you can click the video to view it on YouTube. You can click “add to queue” to add it to the automatic posting queue, you can post it immediately or you can click delete and you remove it from the search results.
So what do I think about VidPush over all? Well first of all I want to get one thing out of the way that I know a lot of people are going to ask. Is this legal? The answer is I have no idea. I obviously have a hard enough time with local ordnance. Interpretation of international intellectual property law is for sure out of my area of expertise. What I will say is that if you are uncomfortable with what VidPush does then pass on it.
I also want to point out that this desktop software runs on Windows only, and if you have a iOS computer you will need a Windows emulator to use it. Also this only posts to fan pages, it does not post to Facebook groups.
If you are comfortable then this will offer some big benefits. Keep in mind the 80/20 rule. 80% of your posts should be content, 20% should be promotional. What this means is you need a lot of content to post and finding this content or making it yourself can a big job. VidPush can make it a lot easier to find relevant content for your pages as well even automate it if you like. In short this will not only get you content but it will make the searching and posting a lot more easy. As I have said a good software is a tool that makes your life more easy and for anyone using (or wanting to use) fan pages on Facebook this will for sure do just that.
* Unlimited free traffic to any Facebook fanpage, or location.
* Just set it up once and forget. 100% automated software gives you fresh content for your fanpage forever.
* Direct traffic from Facebook to any website or webpage and make more sales.
* Uploads native videos to Facebook, gets you more viewers, likes and shares.
* Connect multiple fanpages / Youtube channels / keywords without spending hours doing all the work manually.
If you have any questions, Please feel free to leave a comment below and we’ll try to help you out. If you found this article useful, why not share it with your friends and help inform others.
Search Terms : How, How to, How do, VidPush, VidPush Pro, Auto Posting, Unlimited Fan Pages, facebook auto poster, facebook auto posting software, fb auto poster, facebook auto poster 2019, facebook auto poster software,
Category: Miscellaneous
VidPush - Facebook Video Marketing Software
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