How to Identify the BIOS manufactured date

How to Identify the manufactured date of your computer BIOS:
Go to command prompt or Go to Start > Run and type cmd >

A command prompt window will appear. On this command prompt window type DEBUG and press the "Enter" key and the cursor goes to another line
Type –d FFFF:5 L 8 

Press Enter Button > you shoduld receive a string It will look like this

FFFF:0000       30 34 2F-32 39 2F 30 33        04/29/03
View the BIOS manufactured date at the end of the string.
The 04/29/03 would be the manufactured date of your computer BIOS.

That's all.

CAUTION! : These tips and tricks are advanced, we can not guarantee that you will be able to solve your problem that result from using tips and tricks incorrectly and is used at your own risk.
Category: Tips & Tricks
Operating System : Windows


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