Show Hibernate Option on the Shut Down Dialog

Show Hibernate Option on the Shut Down dialog :
For some reason, Hibernate option may not available from the default Shutdown dialog. however you can enable it just by holding down the “SHIFT” key while the dialog is visible.

You can leave your work, shutdown your computer and resume it next time as it is Even !

First you can do The Following steps below:
Click Start button > Control Panel > Power Options > Hibernate tab > check Enable hibernation box > Apply/OK > reboot.


When you want to stop your work and shutdown (Keeping your programs open)

Do The Following :
1. First Click Start Button > Turn off Computer
2. The Turn Off menu comes up Hold the 'Shift' Key and 'Stand By' changes to 'Hibernate'
3. Click Hibernate (Shift Kept Pressed)


It will save the all work and shutdown the computer!

Now, when you switch it again it will resume it again!

No loading window that appear and you will continue your work as if you were watching the monitor was switched off and now on again!

NOTE: If the Hibernate option is not available, your system not support it!
For some reason, Hibernate, which should be accessible on power saving mode (ACPI) enabled PCs and laptops

That's all.

CAUTION! : These tips and tricks are advanced, we can not guarantee that you will be able to solve your problem that result from using tips and tricks incorrectly and is used at your own risk.

Category: Tips & Tricks
Operating System : Windows


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