Types of Computers

 Computers can be classified into two types:

(i) Digital Computers
(ii) Analog Computers
Digital Computers:
The digital computer is a digital system that performs various computational tasks. The word digital implies that the information in the computer is represented by variables that take a limited number of discrete values.Digital Computers work on the principle of counting of numbers. The internal architectural design of computers differs from one system model to another. The basic organization remains the same for all computer systems.

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Analog Computers:
Analog computers used relational method of comparison for processing the data. But today’s problems of computing require processing involving numerical calculations and logical Analysis. The people tried to develop the computers having both the features of digital as well as Analog that has give rise to special branch of computers called Hybrid computers.
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Hybrid computers are again divided into two types.

(a) General purpose computers and
(b) Special purpose computers.
General purpose computers:
General purpose computers are used for commercial Applications and different varieties of works.
Special purpose computers:
Special purpose computers are of different types basis on the features of operations and areas of uses. They are classified as follows:

(a) Super Computers
(b) Mainframe Computers
(c) Mini Computers
(d) Micro Computers
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Super Computers:
These are used for research laboratories and design of super sonic jet engines etc., Ex: CRAY -1, CRAY -2, ETA -10, CYBER 205, CDC, STAR 100, etc.,
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Mainframe Computers:
This are used for very large data handling where multi user environment is needed (parallel data processing)
Ex : IBM 4300, IBM -370, IBM- 360 etc.,
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Mini Computers:
These are used for process control, cad, scientific research and on line reservation systems etc.,
Ex: PDP-11, HCL Magnm, HCL Oaysi, HCL Horizon II E, IBM 9375 etc.,

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Micro Computers:
Micro Computers are also called personal computers. These are the mostly used computers in small business and companies and basically single user computers.
There are very low cost systems
Ex. Commodore, uptrans 800, DCM Tandy, IBM PC etc. 
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And There are different types of computers in use-> Desktops

-> Tablet PC

These were some of the different types of computers available today. Looking at the rate of the advancement in technology in the near future we can definitely look forward to many more types of computers.

Search Terms : types of computers, types of computers, computers types, the types of computers, different types of computers, different computers types, pc computers, tablet computers, desktop computers, laptop computers


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