How to Enable ClearType in Windows XP

Enable ClearType for Improved Font Display
ClearType technology developed by Microsoft Corporation that improves the readability of text on existing LCD’s (Liquid Crystal Display), such as laptop, Pocket PC and flat panel monitors. In this technology, the words on your computer screen look nearly as sharp and clear as it is printed on a sheet of paper.

Follow these simple steps to Enable Clear Type in Windows XP

> First Right click on the Desktop and choose Properties.

> Click on the Appearance tab and then click Effects.

Effects pop-up window appear in the screen check the box: “Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts
In the drop down box select “Clear Type” option.

Click “OK” button

Difference between Standard and Clear Type

That's all.

Search Terms : ClearType Font, Windows Font, Fonts, what is clear type, how to enable clear type, enable clear type feature, Turn on Windows XP ClearType, To activate ClearType in Windows XP, Turn on ClearType, Tune Your ClearType Font Settings, Enable ClearType font smoothing in Windows XP, enable/disable Cleartype, Microsoft clear type technology, enable font smoothing,, Enable cleartype font smoothing

CAUTION! : These tips and tricks are advanced, we can not guarantee that you will be able to solve your problem that result from using tips and tricks incorrectly and is used at your own risk.
Category: Tips & Tricks
Operating System : Windows


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