What is RSS and how is it useful?

As you surely know the Internet is a huge place with billions of pages at your disposal, it can sometimes be a little difficult to keep up with the information you need to date. Fortunately, the technology has delivered as RSS (Really Simple Syndication) makes it easy to know the latest news and features directly to you instead of going on with looking after them. By using an RSS reader or compatible browser, you can easily provide the latest headlines and articles from your favorite sites to you automatically. There is a range of different news readers available and new versions are appearing all the time. Different news readers work on different operating systems, so you will need to choose one that will work with your computer.

Once you have chosen a news reader, all you have to do is to decide what content you want it to receive. For example, if you would like the latest News, Updates, simply click the links below

While not all websites offer RSS feeds in the format is growing rapidly in popularity with many of the most popular news sites like BBC and Sky News that it supports. Uses for the technology to offer users only the headlines, now for a whole range of issues such as job openings, auction items, MP3 releases, information and expanded so on.

There are many ways to get started with RSS. One is to use a compatible browser (ex., Firefox or Internet Explorer 7) use and to be honest, this would be my preferred method. If your current browser does not support RSS try downloading the latest version of Firefox (www.firefox.com) or Opera (www.opera.com) because they contain RSS as a standard. If you find a site that supports RSS simply click Subscribe button from then on you will be kept up to date with the latest developments.

For those who do not have a compatible browser there are many alternatives. You would install a third party piece of software/plug-in your current browser to make it compatible, a popular option here would be the Google Toolbar, which can be downloaded free of charge from toolbar.google.co.uk.
Otherwise, there are many dedicated RSS reader available for different operating systems. A quick search will give up results for many readers, and perhaps you should try a few of them to see which you prefer but maybe a good place to start would be to visit www.rssreader.com and download a program which is both compact and best of all available free of cost.

Before RSS was created, there were several similar formats available but none of them achieved great popularity, or even still in use today. Netscape initially developed for the RSS format, but then lost interest in it, which essentially left the technology without an owner resulting in several different off-shoots being created over the coming years. This means that there are different formats exist however, most RSS readers should be compatible with all existing alternatives.

Another good feature of the RSS technology is that if you run your own website you can use an RSS feed to display the latest news from your favorite sources on your own site. This allows you to have your visitors with relevant news on the topic, which is updated continuously, which makes your website as well as possibly even more interesting also gives it the impression of being continuously updated which would not have been easily reached prior to RSS.

Whilst RSS will not interest everyone I would definitely recommend those with an interest in current events to look in to this flexible and free technology. click on any of the links below for more information on RSS, RSS Technology, RSS feeds and News Readers

The link below is an example of my RSS feed and here is an example of my rss feed

Search Terms : how to rss, rss feed, rss feeds, rss feeds reader, rss news, news feed rss, rss feed news rss news feed, Really Simple Syndication, RSS?, How RSS works, what is an rss feed, What is an RSS Feed?, What Is Web 2.0 - RSS Feeds

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